We are manifesting the life we desire using the Bible principles and more...

🔥This is for women who are tired of being stuck and average
🔥Women who are tired of generational patterns

🔥Women who desire their light to shine

✨ You can merge your spiritual world and physical world sister. You can have it all!!!


Divine Queen and Priestess of Light🌻!

This program is meant for you to help you reclaim your authentic power and embody the wonderful woman you are. You will stand in your manifesting powers and manifest the abundant life you deserve. ✨✨This course is a transformational course to especially help those women who have been following the teachings of the Bible, been in the church but are still stuck and feel they can't receive what they have been praying for. It is to align you with the manifestation you have been looking for darling! It does not have to so hard!!! Your dreams and desires can come true. Have a little faith.

💎This program will free you from mindsets that are not godly and help you to reclaim your divine power back. It will free you from religious limiting mindsets, cultural and generational patterns, you will start thriving and increasing at the speed of light.

You will experience a relieve and rest and start living free and authentic. Your relationship with God and Self will greatly improve as you experience peace and joy in your life.

Divine 👸 your you can have it all!!!


- Mumbi figl

Creating a life you Desire is your own responsibility. Stop shying away!!!

"It is very possible to be free and manifest the life you desire, my own life is a testimony of that. "

MumBi Figl

Divines, I'm MumBi,

You are wonderful and you deserve it all. You deserve to live authentically, free and have the life of your dreams.

Welcome to my 90 Days Embodiment program. Its simple and transformational.